The following photos are from a visit to Marwell Zoo that we took in October 2007. The day was overcast, cold, but dry, and with this post being written some considerable time later it’s not been possible to accurately identify every animal photographed below. That’s why the caption might read “Reptile”, for instance.
We do like visiting zoos when we travel but in Marwell’s case it happens to be fairly close to where we live and we can drive there in about twenty minutes. I know that zoos aren’t for everyone and I cover this in the zoo tag description but I’ll repeat it here too: many do good work at breeding endangered and vulnerable species of animals, and we support those endeavours. Marwell Zoo opened in 1972 after its founder sold a Rolls Royce and used to the proceeds to buy zebras, and was one of the first zoos in Europe to emphasise conservation.
Not pictured is my nemesis: the Red Panda. I still harbour dark thoughts about that red panda. The way he’d look down at me and strike a pose then fix his eyes on my finger over the camera shutter button and time his sudden movement or look away to absolute perfection. The way I’d swear. The way my wife – well, she wasn’t at the time but I still ended up marrying her – laughed hysterically at failed attempt after failed attempt to photograph the furry git.
Anyway, you’re here for the photos of the animals at Marwell Zoo and not for the mutterings of an angry old man so here they are pretty much in order of us seeing them on a circuit of the attraction.