Photograph scans from a 1990s Christmas party, when people smoked in enclosed spaces and posed without considering whether one day those pictures might be uploaded onto the web for all to see.
These photographs are possibly from 1996, possibly from 1997 or 1998, but I don’t think any later than that. Sadly, nothing on the pictures or in the Truprint folder in which I recently found them (at the back of a rarely-opened kitchen drawer) gives this away but I do know that I started working for G7 Computer Services Ltd in 1996 (the company moved and was merged with another company long after I left and no longer exists) and this has the feel of a very early office Christmas party with them. The pay may not have been great but they paid for travel, accommodation, meal, and all drinks for employees and partners at Christmas time; they were pretty good at that time of the year.
If anyone from that era of working with the Fareham-based company that was my first employer as a software developer knows the names of anyone pictured I’d love to know them too (comments can be added to the pictures themselves or I can be contacted easily enough) because my memory when it comes to names is utterly appalling. Some names I recall (and fortunately backed up by this group photograph in 2012) are: Mark Mason, Terry Roden, Keith Lucas, Neil Biltcliffe, Robert Craig. There might also be a Matt in there and John with his wife Julie, perhaps.