The company I was working for in 2010 had a few offices in and around West Sussex but the one for the software developers was out in the countryside in Chilgrove. Quiet, remote, stuff all phone signal, but decent internet connection at the time. And, with it being the countryside there were some pleasing landscapes to gaze out upon on the drive to and from the building each day, plus getting out for strolls at lunch time was good for easing some of the stress. Even if the day hadn’t been stressful, I’m the sort of person who never works more hours than I’m contracted to, never do overtime, never look at work emails outside office hours, and always take my full lunch break, and that last point meant that I would often take those lunch time strolls just to ensure nobody could ask me a question about work or do something or check something out, etc. Too easy to get into bad habits that way.

The photos below are from one lunch time walk in Chilgrove in April, 2010. They were shot on my first dSLR camera, the Canon EOS 350D, and with that cheapy favourite lens of everybody’s, the 50mm 1.8 prime (or Nifty Fifty as it’s known). If you’ve come searching for some classic English countryside pictures with just a smattering of chopped logs and piles of old tyres then you’ve found the right place.


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