Ed gave some thought to hindsight. He decided very quickly that it was a curse; a facet of human thought processes that served one purpose only, and that to dump a bucket full of the emotion of regret on a person, dousing out anything positive. Ed pictured regret dripping down his head and gathering in a pool at his feet, all that happiness he’d come away with from a fabulous evening at the nightclub drenched and unrecognisable. He regretted buying the boat. He hadn’t really been able to afford it but impulsiveness had got the better of him. Ed regretted not taking better care of the boat because then he might have pulled it up at the front with the other patrons, unafraid of how its appearance might be sneered at. His biggest, most recent regret where the boat was concerned was that he’d parked it in a field. He still couldn’t quite remember what he was thinking at the time, and, worryingly, how he’d even managed it.
in Short Stories