“Occupied, mate, you’ll have to… what’s that?”
“My flag. I’m claiming this flower for Flydonia. You’re going to need to leave.”
“I was here first. And what’s Flydonia?”
“Flydonia’s the kingdom I’m claiming this flower for. Makes it sovereign territory once you stick a flag on it. You’re going to need to leave.”
“Yeah, that’s stupid. No, I’m not leaving. I’ve never even heard of the kingdom of Flydonia. Who’s the king?”
“That’s me. Thought it would be fairly obvious.”
“On account of your regal status, flying around with a flag, bothering other flies who are just minding their own business, and staking a claim to flowers? That sort of obvious, you mean?”
“You wouldn’t understand. For a Flydonian – that’s what we call ourselves – this is part of our national make-up. A character trait. It’s that attitude that allows people to say ‘Oh, yeah, that’s a Flydonian.’ Assertive. Impulsive.”
“Have you thought about renaming your country Loon? I’m only asking because the character trait I’m picking up is ‘loony’.”
“Bit rude.”
“You’re the one trying to usurp a fellow fly’s flower.”
“Are you going to leave?”
“I am not. This is my flower. If you’d looked carefully you’d have seen it’s already got a flag in it. United States of Flytopia. Highly advanced country, powerful air force.”
“I can’t see a flag.”
“Stealth technology. Latest thing. You don’t want to mess with us Flytopians.”
“Right. Well. Okay then. I’ll just leave.”
“Good decision. Unusual for a Flydonian.”