Street Art In Amsterdam: The STRAAT Museum
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Welcome to neOnbubble, the home for Mark & Marie's Travels, featuring travelogues, cruise diaries, travel reviews, and plenty of photos from whenever we head off to explore the world. Expect to discover old picture scans and photography tips now and then with occasional blog posts too.
Below, you can find the most recent additions to our travelogues, cruise diaries, photographic reviews, and travel guides of places we've visited, plus pictures from general events or on specific themes, or even some travel-related content that defies easy categorisation. Click the View All link below to filter the contents by, for example, Cruises or European vacations or photos from places we've visited in the United Kingdom or United States, etc.
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If you'd like to receive occasional updates letting you know when I've posted a few travelogues or have future travel plans to announce or am just rambling on about something travel-related then you can subscribe by entering your email address. The emails you receive will be the blog entries that you see below.
Links to the most recent cruise travelogues which complete a cruise to Alaska on Holland America Line, plus a few older travelogue posts to complete a Welsh getaway back in 2011.
Read MoreSummarising recently-published travel content that not only covers more of an Alaskan cruise, this time visiting Skagway, but also some posts from more local travelling hitherto unpublished.
Read MoreSome write-ups from a tour taken while in Juneau, Alaska with plenty of wildlife sightings, plus news about a new social media account for our travels.
Read MoreLinks to new travelogues, information about a design change to the site, details of a new page with an old school feel, and all the news of a new cruise for 2026.
Read MoreA quick start guide to Mastodon because someone on Facebook requested it. The basics of setting up and using Mastodon are covered, and more advanced topics get a mention.
Read MoreRound-up of recently-published travel posts on the website since the last one of these was published, plus a recent change in policy regarding travel videos.
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