This page contains recent writing on the site – a bit of a shock, I know – or recent modifications which means you will see both Blog posts (which are summaries of recent updates on the site plus occasional forays off into other subjects) and Travel Portfolio posts (which are the main pieces of travel writing you’ll find on this site, comprising reviews, photos, and travelogues), and you’ll see them in most recently-updated order. This is because I occasionally revisit older posts and rewrite them, and because I occasionally add a new feature to the site and need an easy way to track what’s been changed using the modified date of posts.
So, if you want to see just the newest blog posts in the order in which they were most recently published you can take a look at the Blog page. If you want to see the most recently published travelogue, review, or photo update then the Travel Portfolio will list those. To see content from both categories of website posts but in the order in which I’ve most recently made a change then this is the page for you.
A page that has to explain its purpose is probably something serious website owners frown upon, but fortunately I’m not one of them. And I’m fully aware that nobody cares enough to browse a site these days, making a page like this mostly pointless, and that it’s all about the instant gratification from clicks, but, as I’ve mentioned elsewhere, this site is for me and my memories mainly. And I like to tinker with things so this was fun to do as well.
I Was A Teenage SpaceonautMarch 8th, 2005 It was during that Summer when we all got caught up in the fervour of protecting Earth from aliens when I almost lost my life. Like many young people I rushed to sign up with one of the various private companies that were advertising at the tube stations and in […]
AlterationsOctober 16th, 2004 It was a warm day but not unusually warm for the time of year. It was perfectly pleasant. In the field across from my front door I saw the tortoises gambolling through the long stalks of beer wheat, their undulating, high-pitched songs carrying across on the gentlest of breezes. From […]
The ‘I’s have itAugust 27th, 2004 I had the pleasure of running into myself over the weekend. I had been watching the Olympics on television when the sound of a large bang – much like that caused by something large suddenly appearing and displacing the air that had previously been occupying the points in space now […]
An Avalanche Of Travel AccountsJanuary 6th, 2021 A slew of new travel posts and some rewrites of older travel accounts gets the round-up treatment in the semi-regular blog update for the site. Blog.
2020: A Review Of The Year And Thoughts About The Impact On Global TravelDecember 31st, 2020 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone, and the travel industry and travellers have been impacted heavily. Some thoughts about what this year has meant to us all. Blog.
10 Rejected New P&O Cruise Ship NamesSeptember 27th, 2017 In this post I list the ten names I rejected for the new 5000+ passenger-carrying P&O cruise ship to be launched in 2020 along with the reasons for not picking them. I also tell you the name I did select for the competition P&O were running just so when it's picked and I still don't win I can bask in a small amount of smug satisfaction.
Revisiting Travel ContentMay 21st, 2020 Recent rewrites and additions to older travel content on this site along with a few new pieces; some recent, some less so. A site change and a possible future one considered. Blog.
A Regal DisappointmentAugust 3rd, 2020 We've always promoted the service afforded by Princess Cruises but in these awkward times for travelling they've not exactly shone. Blog.
An Ocean Of Bad Cruise NewsJuly 12th, 2020 Round-up of new content on the site and links, plus a mild diatribe against recent publications from the EU and FCO regarding cruising. Blog.
Suez Canal, Petra, Bergen, And MoreApril 23rd, 2020 New travel content from our cruise to Jordan including passage through the Suez Canal and a visit to Petra, plus a revisit to Bergen in Norway. And future travel plans too? Maybe. Blog.
Emerald Princess Cruise Complete, New Cruise BookedSeptember 12th, 2019 The briefest of details about our recently-completed week's cruise in the Mediterranean aboard Emerald Princess plus news of a new cruise booking to look forward to. Blog.
New Cruise Ventures On VenturaAugust 12th, 2019 We've booked a couple of cheeky weekenders for 2020 on P&O's cruise ship Ventura. Blog